How to Get Your Child to Sleep Through the Night Quickly and Easily Without Fuss, Tears, or Frustration

(From You or Your Child!)


Here’s What You’ll Learn


Self-settling is not the secret to getting your baby to sleep through the night. Find out what is!

Did you know that you can get your child to sleep through the night even if they still need you to fall asleep (i.e. rocking, feeding, holding)?

Have you fallen into the trap of thinking that your child’s inability to self-settle is the reason why they are poor sleepers? Don’t worry, here is how you can get a full night’s sleep without changing the way you put your child to bed


The simple way to create a sleep routine that works for you, your child, and your whole family (and NOT some one-size-fits-none approach you found online.)

Plucking a routine out of a book or the internet without knowing your child’s sleep science is not ideal as it does not take into account other considerations such as family dynamics, lifestyle etc...

Here’s how to work out the perfect routine that not only meets your child’s sleep needs but also your family’s overall needs!


The simple way to create a sleep routine that works for you, your child, and your whole family (and NOT some one-size-fits-none approach you found online.)

Plucking a routine out of a book or the internet without knowing your child’s sleep science is not ideal as it does not take into account other considerations such as family dynamics, lifestyle etc...

Here’s how to work out the perfect routine that not only meets your child’s sleep needs but also your family’s overall needs!


How to get your child to fall asleep on their own without the overwhelm, tears, or trauma

If you have believed in what the sleep experts say about sleep training - how you have to leave your child alone for them to learn how to fall asleep and how tears are inevitable during this process, you are not alone.

I am here to bust that myth!

Want to learn an alternative way that saves not only your sanity but also keeps your conscience clear? Then go watch the video now and discover what your future could look like!




"She without a doubt exceeded my expeditions. She wasn't just like another sleep consultant that threw the text book at you. She took the time to see my parenting style, to see my daughters sleep styles, to pick at every factor to really get the best result. She had the empathy and compassion of a mother but the education and communication skills to teach you in the best way.”

~ Amy

“I am so much happier, I can’t believe I was functioning waking up every 40 Minutes. Ruth has changed my life!”

~ Ani

"I’m so glad you’ve had so many mummas come to you. I’m so happy Noah has been sticking to routine and doing so well! Sleeping through the night and sleeping on the dot of 9:00 - 9:30 and 2:15”

~ Yasmina

My name is Ruth, and I am an
“Out of the Box”
Child Sleep Consultant

I’m also a wife and a mum to two beautiful, fun, energetic boys. I first became a mum back in 2016, and it was the most amazing time of our lives. At least at first. But that blissful bubble soon popped, and I found myself becoming an anxious and sleep-deprived parent in the early days of motherhood, wanting to tear my hair out.

My baby was not sleeping at all, and I was spiralling out of control with my thoughts and my emotions and feeling like I was failing my son and my husband. I went online in search of answers, but the reality is that the internet has an endless amount of conflicting information and very little quality control.

I was drowning in bad advice overload. I didn’t know what was right or wrong for me, or who to follow or who to ignore.

So, without knowing any better, I resorted to what the sleep experts said I had to do for my baby to learn how to sleep…

I TRIED IT ALL, but all it led to was me sobbing on the floor in a fetal position while my baby was in the other room screaming in his cot.. it was RIDICULOUS.

He did not sleep at all because he was so worked up from all those endless tears, and his behaviour became even more clingy during the day.

But there didn’t seem to be any other option, I thought perhaps this was just what parenting was all about.

But I didn’t want any of that!


I wanted my baby and me to just get some sleep, but not this way.

  • I didn’t want to use a method that involved tears I didn’t want to be spending hours trying to get my child to sleep, only for him to wake up only a few minutes later
  • I didn’t want to be in constant conflict with my husband about our baby I didn’t want to continue to be sleep-deprived, waking up multiple times a night, and spending all day trying to settle my baby for naps
  • I didn’t want to waste my precious maternity leave barely functioning, walking around like a zombie, not knowing which day it was as they all merged into one.

I thought that being a new mum would be a beautiful time of bonding, but it was not all it promised to be

I searched high and low for help but had no luck finding a person who was the right fit, and someone who understood my parenting approach. And all the while, my baby kept crying and not sleeping, and I was at my wit’s end.

I dreaded the morning when my husband had to leave for work, leaving me alone with a baby who doesn’t nap, and then dreading bedtime, and how long it would take to finally have him fall asleep. I’d anxiously sleep, not really able to drift off, just waiting for my baby monitor to come to life when my little one woke up. AGAIN.

I was struggling to cope.

Things got so bad that I ended up with postnatal anxiety and depression.

I literally could not get out of bed and function as the wife and mother that I was supposed to be.

My husband had to take time off work, and family had to come from all over the state and even overseas to look after us for a couple of months.

In my pain and my lowest point in life, I almost gave up.

But I had a realisation. If no one could help me, I had to find the answers within myself! Deep down inside, I knew there was a better way, a way without the tears, and without the trauma…

I’ve always been interested in science—I’m a trained podiatrist, and my husband is a doctor so I was drawn to research so, I set out to learn the science of sleep.

I enrolled and completed my certification as a Maternity and Child Sleep Consultant (that took 18 months and a big financial investment), and it paid off… I started to see how all the advice I had been following was so wrong!

As I implemented what I had learned, slowly and surely, our lives changed.

My baby slept.

I slept.


And I am no longer the anxious hot mess mum.

In fact, bedtime became such a pleasant experience we often did not want to leave and say goodnight! I found I was actually looking forward to my baby waking up.

The promise of being a Mum was finally coming true!

Then we had our 2nd miracle, and thanks to the methods I had learned, he was a dream sleeper right from day one.

I didn’t want any other mum to go through what I went through. I knew this approach would make such an impact on parents with little ones, and this is my chance to share what I have learned and save families the time and heartache I went through to find the answers they needed. So I decided to create this program back in 2019, and since then, over 400 parents just like you have implemented this approach to their children’s sleep with amazing success.

ZZZs Lounge Program was born out of my own frustration about mainstream child sleep resources and content, and from working with multiple parents who had children that were “out of the box”. So when I say “out of the box” what I mean is, challenging the “mainstream concepts and methodology out there that are just outdated and don’t work.

If you are ready to ditch the old-school mindset, I’ll show you a better, and smarter way to navigate this mystery called child sleep.




This program is not intended to replace or supplement the medical advice that you receive. You agree that none of the advice that this program provides shall be considered medical advice nor should the advice be relied upon you as medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your medical practitioner. Therefore, you should consult with your personal physician or other healthcare professional if you have any health care-related questions or before embarking on a new sleep program. If a medical problem appears or persists, do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice from your personal physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Accordingly, Sleeping On Purpose expressly disclaims any liability, loss, damage, or injury caused by information provided to the client.

I understand that the services, programs, and classes offered by Sleeping On Purpose are voluntary. I acknowledge that injuries, accidents, or other complications associated with products or services may result from my participation. I will consult my physician if I am concerned about any of the risks to my baby’s health or well-being that may result from my participation of services with Sleeping On Purpose I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to follow instructions for any service provided or purchase I make, and to seek help from Sleeping On Purpose If I have any questions. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to waive and release Sleeping On Purpose, its employees and representatives from any and all claims of liability or demands for compensation that I may acquire during my time in this program with Sleeping On Purpose.

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